The Nemesis
Semper Tyrannus
Two baseball games! What a great way to spend a holiday weekend.
Gausman injured.
Well, okay, maybe they will bring in someone interesting to...
Brings in Lawrence.
*Turns off the TV.
Okay, second game! Hopefully they will give Castillo or some other interesting name a chance to...
Hatch is pitching.
*Turns off TV and spends the rest of the night playing Elden Ring.
Castillo pitched at the end of the first game, which was kinda stupid. Lawrence couldn't keep going because he was coming off short rest having thrown almost 100 pitches in his last Buffalo start, but surely they could've burned Thornton for a couple innings instead of the guy who was explicitly mentioned multiple times as the designated long-man that was left besides Lawrence.
Of course then Castillo was demoted so they could activate Hatch for game 2 and I'm not sure who else on the roster would've had burnable options to send down (IIRC there was something said about not being able to just immediately drop Lawrence, which would've made the most sense.)
So it was like a compounding comedy of errors.