I guess the real scientific metric they would’ve perhaps put weight into was bone scans, backed by the fact his brother also had a growth spurt.Would you say it's a fact if he hadn't. The reality is Family heights are all over the place.
My brother is 6'2, I'm 5'10 my dad was 5'8
My cousin is 6'4, his brother is 5'8 his dad is 5'6
Just because your brother and father are taller and grew at an age doesn't mean that you will. If we drafted hutson because we hoped he grow and not what we thought he'd be if he stayed the same height then yeah our drafting needs to be given a shake.
With that said hope he can get to 5'11 because we'd have an Adam Fox situation on our hands for sure.
Ultimately the Habs gambled on him and so far it’s paying off. I wanted Hutson as early as the Beck pick, the fact that all the other teams passed on him is criminal right now.