I find this quirk of declaring which argument a discrete piece of information supports without actually explaining why to be kind of amusing. It might seem self evident to you why Selke level defense would detract from the idea that ROR played like a 1C in 2019, but I’m not sure that it’s self evident to everyone else. Certainly not to me, since that’s a big part of the resume of other great 2-way 1Cs.
As for the 1D, as you can see from the list above, most of the teams that won had 1Ds. The presence of absence of a 1D has no bearing on the argument of whether or not a particular player performed like a 1C.
If what you mean is that you think my argument is that centers are more important, I think you’ve misunderstood me. In my summary post of previous winners I basically called it a mixed bag. But I do contend that regardless of which is more important, O’reilly played like a 1C in his Smythe campaign