Two games is all we have (Well for people who don't watch players pre-draft.), surely its not that hard to grasp that some are disappointed and would like to see "something".
I don't care about people's has nothing to do with how the player is and will develop.
Yes, two games is all have and it's not nearly enough to start drawing the types of conclusions being tossed around here.
In your defense, not that you need it, I haven't felt that you've really said anything outlandish or out of pocket.
I just think you're in a rush to reach conclusions on the player.
If you permit me my analogy this time...
It's like you just bought a book you weren't sold on wanting but were convinced, you waited months to open it, you read the preface and you already decided what type of book it is.
I also just said I didn't really care what he looks like for the next two years, its not a me problem, its just a problem of Slaf being a raw prospect that would be picked in a top 5 generally and not first, picked first by a team that has had no luck at all offensively over the past 50 years. If we had the 4th overall last year and picked him up (assuming were in 2021, here.), no one would bat an eye at Slafkovsky, heck, he'd probably be in europe right now.
Like I said, I don't think you've been extreme in your views about Slafkovsky...just not sure why you're so eager to reach a conclusion.
Let HIM write his story.
Which doesn't preclude you from evaluating what you currently see. I think I also made a comment that I think he tends to do a lot of puck watching and it causes him to not move his feet, which makes his reactions slower.
So that's something he can work on...but then again, I was well aware that he needed stuff to work on.
So none of this is a surprise to me, so if I barely followed this player pre-draft and many here can it be a surprise to them?
It comes with the territory for people, its just normal.'s not normal.
We, Habs fans, love propping up our players as much as we love tearing them down...often, if both can happen to the same player, even better.