-I'm going to say that when people start to attack other people (and I usually see the "positive" people do this) rather than ideas, it's usually because there isn't a very good argument to back up what they're saying, so they go ad hominem. Some do have good arguments of course, but there's definitely a toxic element that puts on their rose colored glasses and craps on anyone who call anything into question. And they were doing that in all previous eras too, when we legit sucked as an organization.
-I'm not going to say that people that go ad hominem are garbage human beings or anything (though that's usually my first angry thought on the matter), but I will say they're probably attaching their own identity to a hockey team, and they may feel under attack. Kind of like how some people attach their identities to ideas or ideology and feel attacked when someone criticizes that.
-The Habs have sucked forever. This organization has been run like gutter sewage for near 30 years. Even when we've been ok we've still been behind the rest of the league in management talent, on-ice talent, and everything else.
People want competence, and they're seeing some of the mistakes from new management that they saw in the past, so they'll be antsy. Why didn't you draft the high IQ center instead of the low IQ big winger (I know, I know, he cooks for himself and he's funny)? Hockey IQ is the hardest thing to teach.
When we see a team of our best prospects not try for 60 minutes when their careers hang in the balance, that's concerning. When we see Burrows still running the power play, that's concerning. When we see Lapointe still as co-head of scouting, that's concerning. I personally feel like Molson still has his tendrils in things and he wants them to start selling sell beers in playoff games ASAP.
So debate the ideas, but chill with the "imbeciles and idiots" here. We're all habfans here, and we're all allowed to discuss the team from our own perpective.