Sorry if I offend anyone on here, but people who drag people online after something negative happens are gross. It's the worst of social media. You can never evolve as a person. Doesn't matter how much you change or try to improve, the mob will always drag up your past. Lemieux has been a great teammate here and there's no way he's in the lineup if he was causing issues in the room. I don't care to be lectured from people who haven't watched a single game he's played here say how he's not liked. If I'm someone who plays with an edge and I'm in a scrum with someone who keeps palming my face with their hand I can't guarantee I wouldn't reflexively defend myself that way. It ended the fight. I don't necessarily like it, but it's more nuanced than most want to admit. Just look at the way Brady behaved in the box, flopping around and putting on a show, the guy deserves an Oscar for how much he overdoes every little thing. I just can't take the guy serious at all, he's so dramatic about everything.