Yeah, that scouting report is nonsense. He's got a strong lower body which will only get more defined as he grows and develops. Not only that, but he has the determination to hustle on plays forwards and back. He showed that in Worlds. He'll be fine.
One of my big problems with how some people rate skating is that they pretty much focus on straight-ahead speed. In other words, can a prospect blow by the competition?
I always thought that was misleading because unless you’re one of the fastest straight ahead guys in the sport, you’re just not going to be blowing by people in a straight line at the highest levels. That’s a big difference between the pros and junior leagues, and a significant reason why some kids struggle to adjust.
Even if you could blow by guys, you still have to be able to handle the puck at those speeds and make the right the decisions.
For me, skating is also about strength on your skates, balancing, edge work, and the ability to maneuver in spaces that close very quickly. Lafreniere does all of that exceptionally well.
Now could he tweak his skating to get even better? Sure. But I don’t think it’ll be an issue.
The book on Lafreniere is that you have to catch him. That’s not easy, because he just wiggles around the ice and makes defenders look like they went out of position to chase him. A lot of times they don’t, he just isn’t there when they try to corner him.
Then, in the off-chance you do catch him, you still have to separate him from the puck. He’s hard to knock off the biscuit because he’s strong on his skates with excellent balance. And even then, there’s still the challenge of dealing with his puck handling. There are times it looks like the puck is tethered to his stick like a magnet.
No, Lafreniere isn’t going to remind anyone of McDavid blazing by opponents out there. But he does possess an almost Saquon Barkley like ability to move as if he has an overhead video game view of the competition, and as if he’s mastered the analog stick and knows how to exploit the game.