There's a difference between being a lock and being a strong candidate for the team. Madden is the latter and most folks (including me) expect him to make it, but that doesn't make him a lock.
You're reading too much into Hastings' last sentence. A player can be an important piece even if they don't make the final team. And I'm sure it sounds more like a declarative statement than he intended it to be. Here's Hastings before the camp started:
"[Madden] has earned his way to get a chance to compete for this team. He is a competitor, utility, he can play the middle or play on the wall.”
Similar quote, similar vague verbiage. A week before camp even started. Hastings hadn't even been around Madden as camp hadn't started and Madden wasn't at the World Junior Summer Showcase. It's blasé coach speak, not definitive roster statements.