Could Kravtsov not come over and practice with the NHL team and then sign his contract at the end of the year? practicing with the AHL team seems pointless
Playing in the worlds is higher competition level than the AHL. If he does come over, would this remove him from Russia selecting him? Is there any precedent in the past that says Russia doesn't take players that end their season going to the AHL?
He's played less than 70 games this season, not that much.
He's played less than 70 games this season, not that much.
I’d rather we see him now with the NYR. If he plays 10 games then he’s not eligible for the Seattle draft, I believe. There’s always the “ELC” year issues, but I believe that it is what it is. He won’t come expensive on his next deal unless he’s Tarasenko 2.0. Even then, he won’t cost too much. I want him acclimated to NA Ice ASAP.
True, but he hasn’t done it against the best players in the world. I want him to get used to the physical game and the less time you’ll have against NHL stars and men.He has played on NA ice all season. In Hodonin, in Vancouver, and in 9 Russian cities
it's better for him to stay in Russia and play in the spring tournaments.
I’d rather we see him now with the NYR. If he plays 10 games then he’s not eligible for the Seattle draft, I believe. There’s always the “ELC” year issues, but I believe that it is what it is. He won’t come expensive on his next deal unless he’s Tarasenko 2.0. Even then, he won’t cost too much. I want him acclimated to NA Ice ASAP.
If he plays one game for the Rangers, it counts as an accrued pro season and he'll need to be protected for the expansion draft.
I just read that because of his age, he can play 10 games this year and won't have to be protected. He will hit RFA one year earlier though.