Vesey on the 4th line is probably motivated by AVs wishes to play 4 lines if nothing else. Vesey is a very good fit with those two players and on that line.
Like the cuts in general, although I am not sold on the notion to play Chytil and demote Graves and Pionk. This is a retooling year -- those two has potential and can play right away. Why are they not playing? We did we sign Smith?? Why is Staal still here???
Sending Lias Andersson back to Sweden. I was checking the other day, didn't have all data at hand, but it's quite possible that Lias Andersson is the one hockey player in the world that has played the most hockey games between start of 2016 and today. Estimating number of preseason and CL games for him last season, I got the number up towards 120. The cup winners didn't get that many even with the World Cup. If you played in juniors/college and US/Can national team games you didn't get that many. How many did the top guys for SKA get that played in the World Cup and WCHs?
I've said this before, I don't think we had thought things true re the usage of Lias this summer. Most scoffed at that notion, but I think the amount of hockey this kid has played since the start of last season, this summer, is kind of mindboggling. Lias should at least have stayed in NA between WJSS and Camp. Combine with tough tests/Rookie camp/Sweden camp before WJSS/5 tough games in 8 days in WJSS/Sweden grueling camp with Frolunda, 2 games/TCT 4 games in 6 days/tough NHL Camp/4 (?) NHL preseason games. It's not October yet. Not much time to build up his physics.
Last season:
Long European preseason -- 10 games (?)
Swedish Juniors -- 3 games
SHL -- 42 games
SHL POs -- 16 games
CL -- 7 games
Swedish Nat. Jun -- 17 games
WJC -- 7 games
That is about 120 games since the start of last season. Lol could be a world record.
It won't hurt him in the long run, but he needs a bit of a more easier schedule now.