NYR Viper
Registered User
1. He was. According to every single ranking that I've seen.
2. See 1.
3. This is probably more speculation than fact, but I think the story of what actually happened serves my point better than the counter-point. I'd imagine you could feel the same way. Also, let's cut it out with this 18 year old stuff. He's been 19 since October.
4. He wasn't to start the season, that was very obvious. And he still probably isn't now.
5. Did you look at the names of the centers that they brought in to camp? Do you see the center-depth on this team right now? Did the Rangers use their 7OA on a 'safe', older, center? Do the math? Maybe I'm reading between lines that aren't there, but I'm not willfully ignoring them, either.
1) Those rankings are often inaccurate
2) See 1
3) Why does it seem like you are holding it against him that he wasn't ready for the NHL?
4) So now it isn't clear?
5) How do you know if Gorton was trying to make a deal for another player? How do you know if the organization just decided to go in with what they had, see if any of the young players were ready, and use this as a retooling year in lieu of going out and handing out a long term contract to one of the UFA centers? Why is it assumed that the organization assumed he was ready?