Blake Out of Hell III: Back in to Hell
I don't want to hear about the refs, I know they made some idiotic calls but its ultimately up to the team to pull through and overcome the awful officiating. Its a cop out to blame the refs. The Shark's top guys absolutely manhandled our guys, who played some of the most uninspired/lackluster hockey I've ever seen.
I'm actually starting to believe McNabb can turn things around despite how much I constantly **** on the guy. If not, there's always Gravel's emergence to look forward to.
I'm not blaming the refs for why they loss but it doesn't change the fact that I expect the playoffs to be called differently.
They've neutered the game enough that calling the playoffs like they do the regular season means a ****** playoffs, like the one we just watched (if you were able to watch it since it was boring hockey).