Well it's unfortunate that you don't like it, but that's the way it looks to me. The complaints about Canadian development are already out there, and they're baseless at the moment. The losses were all reasonable - this team performed horribly. If we are talking about Canadian development, which is the paragraph that you cited, then you must consider the players who were not there. Canada losing in 2013 with 3 NHLers (RNH, Hamilton, Huberdeau) doesn't invalidate the huge impact that other NHLers have had or could have had. For the sake of fairness, there are also years like 2002 when Canada would have added almost nothing to the team (Hartnell and Blackburn) and almost certainly still would have lost the tournament. For this team, they were what they were. When discussing Canadian development, as that paragraph did, the missing players are very relevant.
But again you have to give everyone their missing players.... You have to hope they were actually injury free or something else didn't happen like they got a suspension in the build up or at the tournament itself which is reinvent history to use this line of reasoning. To then say it is a cakewalk is something I cannot buy, especially since we did see it not long ago and Canada didn't even medal.
True not every year is the same, but the other teams are losing more and more players as well. One could argue pretty forcefully that this year is easily the greatest collection of talent the USA has ever left home. That changes your cakewalk scenario a ton. Especially since because of the process of how Hockey Canada selects that coach you still have Lowry coaching the team and you still have Hockey Canada running with the two goalies they selected anyway.
It might be important to the greater picture but we have no idea. The rules of the system they play under are known going into this tournament, who is likely to be there and what is happening. If that invalidates the losses than it does the wins as well. I can say Seth Jones makes the USA an automatic medalist in the year he misses, that doesn't make it true. We have seen plenty of players under-deliver in this tournament, even great ones.
I thought your other points held a lot more weight. I really enjoyed reading your take, I just take issue with that one point. I think your analysis of the coaching is spot on, Lowry to me was the biggest failure of this addition of Team Canada by a country mile.
Anyway an angry Canadian team in 2016/2017 is bad news for everyone rooting for other teams, they should be extremely motivated.
And look good news it seems that most everyone that will be playing in the NHL underage will be from other countries... Hope you're ready to hear it thrown back in your face if they falter... My guess is that wont' be a reasonable excuse when Finland says yeah but what if or USA says Matthews would have led the team to glory, too bad he is stuck playing in the NHL...
I think there is plenty to digest in terms of coaching mistakes and Hockey Canada issues beyond who was there. They lost three games, they could have used all those players, but I have little faith Lowry would have used them correctly and who knows who Hockey Canada plays favorites with and bumps of the roster to include them.
But I realize it is not my national team, just was surprised by what they iced this year and how they played. Remember the disappointment when the USA pulled something similar a couple years back in Alberta where it was inexplicable to see them play the way they did.