Harbour Dog
Registered User
The funny thing is that it almost comes off as relentless. Like people are subconsciously rooting against the kid because he wasn’t drafted by us, and we didn’t spent 4 years daydreaming about what he might become.
It doesn’t come off as analytical. After a while it comes off as petty. Like the whole point is to somehow “prove” how bad Pionk is. And that pettiness seems to grow as he keeps putting up points and succeeding.
I think deep down, it really pisses them off.

I think the biggest issue with most of the ongoing debates that we have on here is that there is a minority of the more vocal posters whom write in absolutes. It's impossible to have a constructive conversation with somebody if they already have decided that their opinion is correct.
I don't think analytics get questioned enough by the people that prescribe to them like they're law, and I don't think they get nearly enough credit from the people that swear they're the devil. And all of us that want to be in the middle somewhere, end up getting polarized right along with it.