Never thought I'd live to see the day where someone would try to rhyme Aristotle with Grand Theft Auto, but here we are.
As I said, I've been fairly ambivalent about her. Cromulent pop star and all, but I personally don't find her particularly compelling as an artist. The only rough equivalent to her that I can think of off the top of my head in terms of fame, fanbase devotion, and chart dominance is Madonna, who was a damn sight more interesting. Somehow Swift is like a virginal Snow White as opposed to Madonna's femme fatale, in spite of constantly signing about her own failed relationships. I'll admit that I'm not terribly familiar with her body of work, but has she done anything as culturally provocative as any of half a dozen decades-old Madonna songs?
I think the runtime is what broke me today, especially on the third lap - which the love of my life mercifully cut short - especially since everything sounds so much the same. Her voice is always so high in the mix, the production is always so crystal clean, she always has the same tone, it all mostly covers similar melodic and thematic ground. It's passable in 4 minute bits here and there on the radio, but 2 f***ing hours!!! Also, her worst is offensive. LWYMMD might have been a hit, but it's terrible, like hang the DJ terrible. Bad Blood is a bad song. Similarly, that damn Florida song from this record is the only thing that sounded like it's own song, unfortunately it just sounds like a bad Florence & The Machine song, and lo and behold it is!