Chicken N Raffls
Here for the chaos and lolz
Sucks that the amazon series is so bad. Doubt it makes it more than another season and will never get to a conclusion from the books.
My fav char being that weak channeler Androl and he doesn't even first appear until like the 9th or 10th book whoI think Brandon Sanderson is responsible for pretty much all the coolness from the character and decided he wanted to utilize the spells/magic Robert Jordan had established in a specific way with this only good at opening gateways and then figures out how to use them as weapons, severing limbs, opening up a portal right before a spell would hit him and then having it exit and hit the original caster. In the final battle getting to lead a circle and get immense power reserves and opening a gateway directly into a volcano to eradicate an enemy army with lava.
Mat was my favorite character. Agree about the Amazon series. Say what you want about the books, a well done Dumai's Wells scene would have been ri-goddamn-diculous