I can't remember Hank having a better game in the ten plus years he has been in net. And on the second game of a back to back, makes it all that more impressive. Over 80 saves in two days time.
And if you watched him closely during the game, you could see him yelling and being upset at all the quality chances his team mates were giving up. He was banging his stick, shaking his head, he was so animated. I am really surprised he held it together. And I have to say,... it can't be good for morale to ream out your team mates while the game is still in progress. But that has been Hank's MO forever. I wish he was more like Georgie, in that nothing ruffles his feathers. I would think, that would be better for those playing in front defending. But then I guess, that wouldn't be Hank's winning style. LOL