Maybe we can get Babcock.....then watch the entire team quit on the "systems coach".
I have to ask what is it about Quinn that people hate so much? His systems? You realize that the entire league runs just about the same systems. You do realize this is the youngest team in the NHL.
I haven't heard a peep from the players about Quinn. So, what's the problem?
I wouldn't touch Babcock with a 10 foot pole and I really don't see what he has to do with Quinn anyway.
I have quite a few things that I dislike about DQ but in short..Yes, it's mostly systems or lack thereof.
Just step back a minute and look at last nights game.
If you look at the amount of energy and how hard this team works going north, you have to question why they don't put that same amount of effort in the opposite side of the rink.
Is it the players? I don't believe it is and I'm not buying the "it's young team" excuse.
It's because DQ isn't teaching defense.
He teaches one way only IMO and lives and dies with this garbage..If it works it works, if it doesn't it doesn't, nevermind adjusting to opposing coaches strategies.
It's all about the fundamentals and if you look at teams like OTT and the Fishsticks, they play very simple yet very effective brand of hockey with relatively thin rosters.
No reason why the NYR can't replicate that.