Bonds (etc al) also went up against roided up pitchers, where the biomechanics affected by steroid use (being "bigger and stronger") would convey more successful pitching compared to hitting. Everything about the steroid era is a hypocritical shitstorm.
Put everyone in the HoF and be done with it. Everyone was using- I mean for f***s sake at one point 50 MINOR LEAGUERS were suspended! Minor leaguers! And of course that was once they started testing in the first place, which exactly is why this "real record" stuff is so dumb.
Ok, Maris was using amphetamines. Now an illegal substance, but not tested for at the time, just like steroids in the "steroid era". Ruth wasn't even playing against the best players in the sport (pre-segregation). While we're taking away records, let's take away team accomplishments too, starting with the Yanks. In 2000 Clemens pitched like a 15 K SO in the ALCS. So I guess...the Mariners get the pennant that year? Oh and by the way in the WS he threw another 10 K, 8 inning shutout. Where do the asterisks end? Answer: no asterisks at all.