Former Bruins Zdeno Chara

What do you do at 46 years of age after retiring from a career of 25 seasons in the NHL? Run a marathon…
All the more reason for me to take the day off, go to the Sox and then go watch him cross the finish line.

He was there when the city needed him the most so I really hope the city is there for him cheering him (and everyone else!) on.
He beat his Boston time by 20 minutes. 20 freaking minutes. :amazed:
Yeah, I can’t wrap my mind around it.

I’m just never going to be super fast. At my best, I could do a half marathon sub 2 hours. A full marathon is a whole different animal.

Definitely not looking to set any PRs at this point in my life. Happy just to finish.

Z is on another level in terms of his ability and his work ethic.
Yeah, I can’t wrap my mind around it.

I’m just never going to be super fast. At my best, I could do a half marathon sub 2 hours. A full marathon is a whole different animal.

Definitely not looking to set any PRs at this point in my life. Happy just to finish.

Z is on another level in terms of his ability and his work ethic.

Thing is too, he's not remotely built like a conventional long-distance runner. He's clearly slimmed down and dropped some muscle since he retired from hockey, but that's still a big frame and weight to be lugging around for mile after mile. As you say though, Chara's just on another level and a freakishly gifted and committed athlete even amongst the pros. Good on him.
Thing is too, he's not remotely built like a conventional long-distance runner. He's clearly slimmed down and dropped some muscle since he retired from hockey, but that's still a big frame and weight to be lugging around for mile after mile. As you say though, Chara's just on another level and a freakishly gifted and committed athlete even amongst the pros. Good on him.
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