I think the reward should now be taken away. Last year’s ”rover” B.S. is being such a hinderance to this season.I think he was rewarded for being better defensively so they could be put back together.
I think a problem with this could be that the team is obviously structured where much of the offense comes from the defensemen.I think the reward should now be taken away. Last year’s ”rover” B.S. is being such a hinderance to this season.
That same structure was in place last year and he was more or less okay.I think a problem with this could be that the team is obviously structured where much of the offense comes from the defensemen.
That could mean the defensemen are required to take chances and pinch when they otherwise wouldn't on a different team.
The counter to this point would be that Murray, Jones, and Nutivaara seem to be able to handle things better.
That same structure was in place last year and he was more or less okay.
I'm personally going with the "growing pains" explanation. Sometimes we forget just how young some of these guys are.
He's a top pair D, he's also 21. We're in this position where if we play him in the role that he will eventually play in (26+ minutes a night), we'll have to deal with the problem that come from that. We also want to win. Good problem to have.
The good news is that Murray is doing pretty well right now, so we have options. We're running fairly well 5 deep. That 6th can be a bit sketchy. Veteran could be a good thing to look at to solidify things at the deadline.
Previously I would have said one of the things that impressed me about Werenski is how he seemed to be so effective so effortlessly.
Now that's entirely flipped on its head and it seems like when he's ineffective, it's due to a lack of effort. It often just doesn't look to me like he's moving with much urgency, at all.
Watched a nunber of CLB games. I see the same thing. He looks disengaged out there.
Has he always been like this?
Watched a nunber of CLB games. I see the same thing. He looks disengaged out there.
Has he always been like this?
Watched a nunber of CLB games. I see the same thing. He looks disengaged out there.
Has he always been like this?
He always looked like he was skating effortlessly and without urgency, but he somehow seemed to be well positioned and speedy nonetheless. Now he still looks effortless, but the results aren't there in that he seems to be getting beat more often and caught out of position more often... if that makes sense. So that effortlessness has transitioned from good to bad imo.
I swear Zach would get caught out of position just as frequently in his previous seasons. I remember games where he would need bailed out over and over again - like Bob stopping multiple breakaways. Bob hasn't been a world-beater this year, which is making other problems visible.
(Approx) 1/2 season of Zach Werenski remaining under his entry level contract. I will pose the question so that you get two bites of the apple.
If you were Jarmo what would you offer?
If you were Zach's agent what would be your ask?
Agent $8-8.5 million x 8 years.
CBJ $5.5-6 million x 6-8 years
Just curious: Is that what you would be asking/offering, or what you think the agent/org will be asking/offering?
Agent $8-8.5 million x 8 years.
CBJ $5.5-6 million x 6-8 years
I think this is pretty much on target, and they'll probably settle close to $7m per. Except I don't see why the Jackets would want anything less than 8 years. Unless Werenski gets hit by a truck, he'll be getting even more after this contract is done.