It’s strange they’re going to put a world title on Seth while clearly building a match with Roman.
Where exactly did the injury happen? Didn't seem like it was in the clip they showed on SD.
Cody is challenging some 1993-94 pure white babyface Bret Hart vibes. But without that "coolness" that Bret brought to the role. So really he just comes off like a big dork, so much so that him defeating Lesnar doesn't even seem believable.
Speaking of Lesnar, there is some underlying story they have planned that likely ties into The Bloodline and Heyman. Is he secretly working on The Bloodline's behalf, like a paid mercenary?
Is it just me, or has injuries to female performers reached epidemic levels?
Except he is getting the reactions and numbers.
Kids especially are eating this shit up
@SheppyBecky was fire in her promo with Trish. "Welcome to the big time, bitch! Voof, voof!"
He’s still selling the shoulder?
Man they really gonna geek out Brock
If he has a broken shoulder, he's not going to be at money in the bank.HHH said its broken. So either Brock is jobbing to one armed Cody, or we stretching this to MitB
If he has a broken shoulder, he's not going to be at money in the bank.
They are apparently considering giving LA Knight an impromptu match tomorrow because he is so over with the Saudi's