It’s very common to have over the top projections in November and happens all the time but also a lot variables happen to prevent why early projections aren’t accurate and tend to cut them by 20% or even sometimes 50%.
Players that gets these early projections eventually deal with slumps that effect confidence mentally for a string of games and goes for the entire team as well that effects the players production . It’s also the wear and tear as the seasons goes along and players/teams don’t play as hard to avoid injuries. Coaching also trying new things with styles and line combos effects it. There’s also just having bouts of bad or good luck luck.
Without even looking at his early season stats in his career, I can probably say this isn’t first time he had projections over 70 in a season and he’s never scored 70 goals. Him hitting late 40s or 50s marker probably be what he would have hit.