Nope, that isn't true in any way.
First of all, hitting isn't remotely close to being "mostly gone". It isn't even approaching such a state at all. It's not at its peak, but very far away from being an issue at all. And no, most of the hitting that happens is of the completely regular type, to seperate an opponent from the puck. Big and dangerous hits have always been the exception, they were never a common thing, much less the standard form of hitting. The odd bad hit has always existed, and players were getting destroyed by those at any time in history. Pretending that it's just players being unprepared now has nothing to do with reality at all. They were just as much unprepared - if not more so, due to blatantly illegal hits being a bit more common - back in the days.
Just like "turning at the last second" is largely a non-issue. It tends to be brought up by people who seem to fail at basic physics. At least 95% of the times someone makes a statement like that, it isn't a case of a player turning at the last second at all, but instead a continuation of a movement that had already started quite a bit prior to the hit. A movement that by the laws of physics won't stop. Somehow players are supposed to overcome the laws of physics to "not put themselves into a vulnerable position", but a player making sure that he is even allowed to hit an opponent before he tries to go for a hit, no, that is way too much to ask. In most instances like this, the hitter knows that he shouldn't got for a hit because the opponent is already in a position were he is not allowed to be hit, or in a movement that will definately und unstoppably put him in such position before the hit happens, yet he goes for it anyway. That goes on the hitter, not the hittee, who in all but the rarest occasions is doing a regular hockey play that happens hundreds of times a day.
How anyone could think it is logical to claim that a player doing a regular hockey play is wrong, but another player blindly going for a hit in complete disregard of whether he is even allowed to or not, is not, is beyond me. You can't run around like a chicken with its head cut off and then proclaim that your acts would have been fine if only the other player had done exactly what you wanted him to do. It's on YOU to make sure that you are allowed to do something, it's not the job of everyone else to accomodate you. Doesn't matter if its regarding a hit, using your stick, or any other thing you could possibly do.