Having family in Canada, but living in the US, I can shed some light from both sides.
Canadian side of the coin...
#1)Canada gets bombarded by news from and about the US, yet people in the US for the most part wouldn't know the difference between BC or the NWT. You hardly hear anything about Canada in the US, and many idiots think that Canada is a tiny country and that everyone knows everyone and that it snows 24-7-365.
#2)Canadians have a great sense of national pride, much greater than that of their American counterparts. Canadians love their homegrown heroes, and they take great pride in what they do.
American side of the coin...
#1)Many Americans (at least where I live) consider Canadians cheap, especially when it comes to tipping, etc.
#2)Americans rarely get news from other countries, although that has started to change in the last 5 or so years.
The bottom line is that especially in the Northern US the difference between Canadians and Americans is about nil. I take pride in my Canadian heritage, because it's hard not to seeing other Canadians loving their country so much. There is much that the US could learn from Canada, and much that Canada could learn from the US. Both are great countries that IMO could be much better if they dropped some of their moronic laws supporting the lazy.