firebear331 said:
Congratulations team Canada, finally a coach who would not let the boys sit back and it paid off with one dominating performance after another. Alot of people predicted Canada would not win, they only looked good due to a weaker pool. They proved beyond a doubt that this year they are far superior to any of the other teams in this tournament. it would not have mattered who they faced in the final the result would have been the same,one sided domination simply put men playing with boys.
You know what firebear, that is a very good point. Sutter was not gonna let these guys sitback. Not that there was much fear of that anyway, as there were 12 returnees and all of them wanted to erase that bad taste left in their mouths from a year ago.
The part I have a hard time with are these posters who can't admit that Canada deserved it. They had by far the best team on paper and backed it up and then some on the ice. I have always said it is okay to talk trash, but if you're team ends up losing, then take it like a man, don't make up stories to help you sleep at night.
Leading up to this game I read a lot of posts both for Canada and those for Russia aswell. Some were well thought out, touching on what one team would have to do to beat the other, and others were MY TEAM IS GOING TO CRUSH YOU! I understand both, but if you were talking smack for Russia then any way you cut it you have to eat crow.
The big thing was "Oh but Canada still hasn't a played a worthy opponent" Well Russia was the most worthy because they made it to the final, and got absolutely SMACKED!. I won't deny that they are a dynamic bunch and a treat to watch. But Canada had GOLD on their minds and they were gonna stop at nothing to get it.
These same people that claimed Canada was all hype because every team they played were lesser lights, instead of giving Canada the respect they deserve, some are choosing to say that it is so unfortunate that in a year when Canada had their best team, every other team had nothing worth sending.
Amazing how in less then 24 hours, Russia went from the greatest team in the world, to a team that really didn't have all that much...was it the 6-1 drubbing, or the physical ass kicking they took.
My point is simple, the way to beat the Russians was in theory very easy, and every team in this tournament knew it. The problem was that only Canada could carry out that tall order, of shutting down AO and Malkin, taking the body at every opportunity, and taking away time and space on the ice, so that the Russians had no time to work their magic.
Cudos to Team Canada, and the coaching staff, who put together one hell of a team, that will be remembered for its dominance for many years to come.