In statistics, data gathering and cleanliness is the single most important thing, so it's not an out of line question to ask.I wonder where this question is going.
And? Criminals often know what they are doing is a crime and it doesn't prevent them from doing it.I'm sure the professional statistician has no understanding of confirmation bias.
I like Garret - I miss him on these boards, but that doesn't mean his methodology is scientifically sound or peer reviewed (peer being an actual data scientist).
Who crowned him as the 'professional statistician'? Is it simply the product of him working and earning money in that role? If I called myself a doctor and started treating patients because I watched youtube videos, would that make me a doctor?
Hockey advanced stats are still in their infancy. There are a lot of people pushing a lot of 'their' metrics, some gimmicky and some not. There are tons of questions with these metrics:
- How are they compiled?
- How are they interpreted?
- How are they weighted or used in calculations?
- What is the background of the people doing this work?
- Are they subjective or objective?
- How likely is there to be bias?
I think what is happening in a lot of cases is that the NHL and teams use their own metrics and advanced stats to make determinations, and couple that with what they are seeing and hard outcomes. Those metrics are usually not what we see, and they aren't shared with the public.
That's why you see a lot of team and coaching moves that don't align with the advanced stats Garret, JFresh, whomever else are promoting.
I'm not saying that these stats are dereft of accuracy or value, but there are a TON of question marks, and when the stats don't match an experienced eye, it can call it in to question. Of course, eye test is very prone to bias as well.
In my profession, I see statistics compiled, bent, and manipulated to tell a story all the time. That's why you need a scientific method and peer review if you want accuracy.
I don't think that's true - at least not from what I've read (please someone correct me if I'm wrong). I don't think disclosure is necessary, though it would be written in the contract.I think if it was a pick that would have had to be announced as part of the trade. Future considerations I think is much softer than that and we will likely never know what it was.