Windsor Spitfires 2024 25 Season Thread Part Iv

I figured it be interesting to see others opinions on this and reasonings. Fun topic discussion.
To me i based it on NHL success. Up front Hall, Henrique and Johnston. D I went with Ellis and Fowler considered Sergachev but hard to deny Fowlers long term NHL tenure. Goalie went with my heart DiPietro. Surprised Grubauer was not on the ballot considering his NHL success combined with Mem cup.
To me i based it on NHL success. Up front Hall, Henrique and Johnston. D I went with Ellis and Fowler considered Sergachev but hard to deny Fowlers long term NHL tenure. Goalie went with my heart DiPietro. Surprised Grubauer was not on the ballot considering his NHL success combined with Mem cup.
I’ve totally forgot about Grubauer. I’m guessing he wasn’t on there for only playing 1/2 a season.
I would have considered longevity with the team, too. Players like Grubauer or Fowler were good, but were here for a season-and-a-half combined. For me, someone like Young or Sanvido didn't have the production but they meant as much to the team.
I would have considered longevity with the team, too. Players like Grubauer or Fowler were good, but were here for a season-and-a-half combined. For me, someone like Young or Sanvido didn't have the production but they meant as much to the team.
Young possibly yes. Sanvido, no.
I would have considered longevity with the team, too. Players like Grubauer or Fowler were good, but were here for a season-and-a-half combined. For me, someone like Young or Sanvido didn't have the production but they meant as much to the team.
Not disagreeing with you but neither Young or Sanvido are on the ballot. At least from the OHL contest I'm looking at.
Not disagreeing with you but neither Young or Sanvido are on the ballot. At least from the OHL contest I'm looking at.

No, I realize, I'm just going off the earlier discussion about how players are considered. As much as I appreciate Fowler's NHL contributions, he wasn't here for long, just like Grabauer wasn't here for long. For me, your contributions and longevity to the OHL *may* outweigh a short-term success. I consider Harry Young or Sanvido to be more deserving than Fowler, for instance, or Engelage over Grubauer for the same reason. There's no true "right v. wrong"; it's how everyone weighs it.
No, I realize, I'm just going off the earlier discussion about how players are considered. As much as I appreciate Fowler's NHL contributions, he wasn't here for long, just like Grabauer wasn't here for long. For me, your contributions and longevity to the OHL *may* outweigh a short-term success. I consider Harry Young or Sanvido to be more deserving than Fowler, for instance, or Engelage over Grubauer for the same reason. There's no true "right v. wrong"; it's how everyone weighs it.
If Sanvido was worthy of this list Spits never would have traded him in a M-cup run year.
If Sanvido was worthy of this list Spits never would have traded him in a M-cup run year.

It was between him and Chatfield and... it's tough to trade production. If I'm making a list of D who could have been on the teams, I'm at least writing his name down or considering for an "honorable mention", something along those lines.

Thinking out loud now - it makes me wonder who all was considered. They've got a pretty impressive list they could have picked from.
I don’t agree with the call ohl has made but if they are giving everyone a 2 game suspension for that call then there isn’t much one can do. They need to come back and give reasons why it was a suspension. They really need to start calling all checking from behinds and not just the ones that are a few feet from the boards. There is also no reason greetree needs to extend his arms at that point either even tho he barely touched the guy. I also don’t think the players blade fell off and caused the fall. On replay the blade didn’t look like it came off until he hit the boards. If they have suspended other for same hit then they can’t go back and not suspend a player because of an individual milestone.
This brings up another topic, sort of... Do you penalize based on the intent or do you penalize based on the injury? I'd do the former (NOT saying Mathurin's didn't deserve a suspension).
Neither as you very rarely can judge intent and injuries or the result of the play can vary. Suspensions is all about water cooler chat.
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