Windsor Spitfires 2023-24 Offseason Thread (Part 3)


Registered User
Apr 7, 2009
I'm excited to get back to the rink regularly, for the first time in years. I've missed going to games so much. I still can't go to as many as I'd like, but I'll make Saturdays and Sundays, and the holiday games, and that will do for now.

Just happy to have seasons again. Gotta work on getting a day shift so I can go all the time


Registered User
Nov 29, 2015
I'm excited to get back to the rink regularly, for the first time in years. I've missed going to games so much. I still can't go to as many as I'd like, but I'll make Saturdays and Sundays, and the holiday games, and that will do for now.

Just happy to have seasons again. Gotta work on getting a day shift so I can go all the time
Heads up Sunday games r 4 pm starts


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
bp on hfboards
Apparently. I personally prefer to wait until at least the end of year one to judge a rebuild but I guess you can claim the Memorial Cup Rebuild World Championship in July now and post like an angry 15yo about it online.
The worst part is someone wanted to take a victory lap of being the 19th best team in the league opposed to being the 15th best team. All because their team won the lottery and someone always enables him. When you have certain individuals bought and paid for that's what you get.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
bp on hfboards
Im very glad hes our goalie coach. Kinda surprised, he honestly the best coaching decision made for some time! Still getting shitty reports from those that know Walters. He better have figured some shit out while suspended!
The head athletic therapist for Team Canada will be in Windsor during WJ summer camp. Maybe he and Walters can hash things out......


Registered User
Jul 31, 2021
I love the implication that because the Owen Sound trainer is with the world junior team our coach is somehow even more of a terrible choice as if Hockey Canada weren't a corrupt old boys network. Good one Krusty.
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