my concern was the removal of his videos. Because he could have still used that platform to find other gigs with other publishing agencies, or even a scouting job in the NHL or something.
usually, content removal has to do with some sort of infringement. Because he does use footage from games, that are owned by other sports networks. Of course, the argument will than be, "well other youtubers are also using the same footage and content from the same source so why does will scouch have to pull his down??!!!"
the answer is unknown. he might be targeted or something. I was following a youtube channcel known for disasters. They had to remove a bunch of their "diving" videos and so for. either way a tough loss for our community. I might not agree fully with his ratings, but I really liked how he provide information and details about the prospects. He even says it himself "based on the games I've watched" as a disclaimer.
will be missed.