Big F$&*in Q
This is not patriotism, this is pure bull***t, or just trolling. I suspect trolling.
But! This is not really far from general opinion about WC's in Russia, and that must be one of the problems of Russian hockey nowadays.
Where one might see victories (not even dominating ones) in a second-rate tournament with the best roster availible, Russia's hockey officials see signs of "Soviet red machine coming back". And what's worse - this outrageous lie is spoon-fed to masses.
Without realization, that our team is not by a long shot a competitor at Olympics, there will be no progress.
Sure, team Russia has names. But names don't win, teams do.
I absolutely love Tarasenko,Kuznetsov, Panarin, I think that Bob is a pretty good goalie, but I just can't see Russia competing, not right now. What this team needs is coaching, real NHL-caliber coaching. So far, professional coaching in all of Russian team sports is a big problem.
As for Kovalchuk -
Ahh, Kovalchuk! An ideal example of a name playing, not a player. A man long past his prime, who somehow manages not only to show on roster, but actually hold a C badge. And you know why? Because of those two goals at 2008th WC finals against Canada.
Sorry for a long post. Tl;dr - Rus has great players, doesn't have a team right now.
It's nice to see that some people are looking at the underlying issues.