It wouldn't matter if Saudi Arabia threw billions of dollars into their own nationl team they wouldn't get anywhere unless some elite top 6 young players decided to become SA citizens.
Their current roster which is ranked 36th in the world up from 48th in 2019 due to an infusion of lesser former eastern bloc players.
Even France which has a total of 19000 registered players have their national team littered with players who have to go overseas to develop are ranked 14th.
Sure but that still doesn't mean that weaker teams are breaking into the Big clu or can compete with the top 5 except for a rare win here or there.
USA has seen a huge improvement but russia really hasn't gotten any better and I wonder where the improvement from them would come from?
Sure switzerland looked very promising about a decade ago and have seemed to plateaued where they are now,
I really doubt this unless or course the NHL expands and has a European division.
Exactly how does the draft system favour North Americans, what an odd thing to say.
You could say that the draft favours players paling in NA and that's why some of the top Europeans drafted actually play in a NA league on draft day.
That's nice but I don't really see how that its relevant to the discussion here for non Olympic countries and their young kids, sports is international and the best players tend to want to play in the best leagues.
since this 32 team stems out of the soccer example do you really think poor African soccer players don't dream of playing in the top leagues of the world?
Of course hockey will be different in that it's not generally poor kids playing the sport and the rich have always had more time for extravagant elitist dreams from which hockey in NA drew from in the early 20th century with hockey clubs basically being the playground of the rich and elite classes in large Canadian cities which then got spoiled with the evils of professionalism which obviously the rich didn't need.
Makes one wonder how high the Canadian and woman's teams would be ranked in the men's rankings eh?
Maybe they could be in the top 32.
I'm just telling you that if Saudi Arabia wants to hire the world's hockey elite to create a league at home, it can. And players coming.
Russia is getting stronger and stronger. Compared to 2014, the level of Russians in the NHL is higher and this will continue given the draft lists. Russia can do much better than now while Canada is at its ceiling.
CHL players, and by extension North American players, are scouted more often than Europeans. There are also European players who would have the level to play in the NHL instead of North Americans who play there. So when I see 29% of Europeans in the NHL and 43% of Europeans in the draft, that’s a sporting minimum. Just the statistical gap between those who make the NHL today and those selected to make it tomorrow, leads you to understand that we are taking the path to see more Europeans than North Americans in 20 years.
Afterwards I don't answer because your thinking is confused and incoherent.
Players come to play in the NHL for the money and it's the best league because it pays the most. If the KHL paid twice as much, NHL players would be in the KHL. It's that simple.
I know the Canadian nationalist narrative which wants to convince itself that if Canada is declining it is because hockey excludes the poor. But the reality is that Canada has never produced as many champions as in recent years. Canada is less represented in the NHL because other nations are progressing and better exploiting their potential. Russia has 4 times the demographics of Canada. USA 10 times so obviously, if these nations exploit their potential at the same intensity as Canadians, these nations will become better than Canada.
Faced with the rise in the level in America, Europe and Russia, Canada's share, already at its maximum potential, can only decline.
It will be closer and closer, so a 24-nation world championship is possible in the future. The gap between 1 and 24 will tighten to the same level as between 1 and 16 before.