That's a great straw man argument.Even if hockey's popularity had been increasing since 2007, that obviously wouldn't explain the national team getting better or more players getting drafted, since all of the players were already playing hockey as of 2007.
As you can clearly see, the popularity of hockey exploded in Switzerland in the early 90s and has continuously increased during the last decade, which was exactly my point.
As you can see, most teams already had the same attendance by the early 90s. It just so happened that small town teams were replaced by bigger cities like Geneva.
Maybe in another universe with different rules of logic. If the overall attendance has increased, it is impossible for every single team to show a decrease in attendance. Not to mention that individual teams don't matter. Nationwide exposure to the sport matters. And it's worth to mention that all the NLA games are now televised.As a general remark, overall league attendance doesn't tell the whole story. In fact you could have an increase of overall league attendance with every single team showing a decrease.
And another straw man argument.You offered increased popularity as an explanation for better programme. Then you used the better programme as proof of increased popularity. That's circular logic.
You implied that hockey in Switzerland hasn't become more popular and that the quality of their programme hasn't improved.
What I did was prove the opposite, without offering a causal relationship between these two phenomena. The only suggestion I made regarding the possible reasons of improved quality of their programme was investments in hockey infrastructure.