Mogilny was the most talented for me followed by Bure and Fedorov. Though as strange as this sounds Fedorov was the best player followed by Bure and lastly Mogilny. Talent isn't anything unless you got drive I suppose.
Was drive really the thing that made Fedorov better than Bure?
I'd say he was better because of a higher hockey IQ and due to being more versatile and less injury prone and having better teams to play on.
Bure actually seems to have been the more driven player (even if he was only driven to score goals at times). Talent-wise, I might give Bure the edge as well if we're only considering physical and technical skills.
You're saying Mogilny didn't care. Okay. But a lot of people don't care that much about practice either, just ask Allen Iverson.
We're not talking about the game... we're talking practice!
Not the game... not the game... practice!