44 is Rielly good
Better shot? That's a massive understatement Rielly doesn't have a shot at all, Sandin has a bloody rocket on him and adds a massive piece to our PP another threat that teams need to look at to defend. With Rielly on the PP teams just need to glue themselves on to Matthews Marner as Rielly is a non threat. With Sandin they are sprawling from deep transition to high transitions defensively opening lanes for everyone.
Yeah, I guess there is no point debating this...
Rielly having "no shot" and Sandin having a "rocket" is a big hyperbole. PKers are not "sprawling from deep to high transition" anymore than with Rielly on the PK.
I think you're confusing an aggressive PK with one you believe is terrified of a decent point shot.
Even the best point shot in the league doesn't merit PKers throwing themselves out of position to defend as it isn't a high danger play.