Unless I'm missing something, couldn't a team pick #1 as many times as 5 times in 5 years if they didn't move up more than twice? So, theoretically if the Habs finished dead last and #1 draft position and they never moved they could pick first each year. I know it's practically impossible but just trying to understand the mechanicsIt does though, when you look at the NHL release
(3) Limit on Teams Winning a Lottery Draw
No single team will be able to advance in the Draft order by reason of winning a Lottery Draw more than two (2) times in any five (5) year period. This limitation will not affect a Club’s ability to retain its presumptive Draft position in any Draft Lottery, nor would it preclude the possibility of the Club moving down in Draft Order to the extent other Clubs advance by reason of winning the Lottery Draws. For purposes of clarity, the limitation would attach to the team, not the specific pick.
Obviously I am assuming here that "advancing in the draft order" = "moving up"