Current cadidates are
Oslo, Norway
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Lviv Ukraine
Beijing China
Krakow Poland
I think all four off some potential for hockey to take advantage of.
Poland and Ukraine offer the chance to revive hockey in places where it is dying. Although thankfully Donbass in eastern Ukraine is doing some good work to rebuild that country's ice hockey legacy.
China is the white rhino of any sport that isn't popular there. Soccer, basketball, baseball, hockey all of them want their sports to be popular in china because of the $$$$$ involved.
Kazakhstan straddles a line between being a fringe dying country like Ukraine/Poland and being like Norway, which is a fringe hockey nation that could use a boost.
Oslo, Norway
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Lviv Ukraine
Beijing China
Krakow Poland
I think all four off some potential for hockey to take advantage of.
Poland and Ukraine offer the chance to revive hockey in places where it is dying. Although thankfully Donbass in eastern Ukraine is doing some good work to rebuild that country's ice hockey legacy.
China is the white rhino of any sport that isn't popular there. Soccer, basketball, baseball, hockey all of them want their sports to be popular in china because of the $$$$$ involved.
Kazakhstan straddles a line between being a fringe dying country like Ukraine/Poland and being like Norway, which is a fringe hockey nation that could use a boost.