Offside Review Specialist
Why would removal of a number of players from the NHL automatically lead to higher scoring? And/or why does higher scoring automatically lead one to conclude a weaker era? There seems to be a bit of a "cause and effect" dynamic here.
That’s true, but there is an intuitive connection. Say you have a league where everyone is moving at 8-10 speed. 10s are your Richards, 8s are your “plodding” NHL depth defensemen.
Now a war comes along, and a whole bunch of guys leave. 8s, 9s, even some 10s disappear and are replaced by 7s and the occasional 6. Now you’ve got a league where every so often, a 10 comes roaring down the wing against a 6. It makes sense that scoring would go up.
Now, factor in that you’ve done the same thing with the goalies... a bunch of guys who naturally save in the .910-.930 range have been replaced with .890-900 types. Scoring will necessarily go up, without question.
Of course this can’t be proven to a strict standard because real players aren’t rated EA-style. But it does make sense, and it would tend to predict both inflated overall scoring and certain top-level scorers and goalies having otherwise unattainable seasons.
Not trying to validate my claim here, which for the record is that there is no statistical reason to think Richard's level of dominance was an anomaly in 44/45, just not quite getting this angle especially when the early 80s is also pointed to as being a weaker era.
The statistical reason, even just in the abstract numerical sense, is that the entire 44/45 league was an anomaly. Not just Richard but everything else about it was badly comparable to anything that came before or after it. That’s just what pure numbers show, narrative-free.
I completely acknowledge that a rise in scoring levels opens the door to more extreme gaps between offensive talents. I believe Wayne, Mario and Orr all benefit from this but the counter argument that every player had the chance to score 50 goals or 200 points also applies.
A nuance to this: higher scoring levels open the door to larger numerical gaps, but not to larger proportionate gaps. If anything, higher scoring ensures that fluke margins of proportionate victory are unlikely.
The most extreme example happens in Game 1 of each season, when some random player ends up leading the league in scoring with 2 goals to anybody else’s 1. At that moment, this player has a Mario-like 50% lead on everybody... and if he scores a hat trick, he’s in uncharted territory! But the margin shrinks rapidly as more goals are scored. The more goals scored by the end of the season, the less likely we are to see a flukishly huge margin of victory.
(The real-life mechanical reason for this: you can stumble into a hat trick with a legitimate goal, a puck off the butt, and an ENG. But you’re not going to score 80 goals on the basis of fluke events... the proportionate significance of random events and hot/cold streaks fades as the numbers climb higher.)
Total goal scoring being a function of (goals/game)*(number of games), we should look at both lower-scoring environments and shorter seasons with guarded suspicion of fluke outcomes. This leaves us with a bit of a paradox — lower scoring rates tend to be correlated with a higher overall quality of play, but also with a higher likelihood of randomly inflated achievements.