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Anytime I'm taking a long drive with the top down, listening to this extremely underrated Bob Seger tune puts a smile on my face...
Hot take: Wowee Zowee is the best Pavement album:Early Pavement, gotta check in every 6 months
Good god does THIS bring me back.
Holy crap this album just brings me back to the summer of many great songs on this one
Another band I love musically, but cannot stand their politics...(i.e. Dropkick Murphys)
Another band I love musically, but cannot stand their politics...(i.e. Dropkick Murphys)
Dreampop GOAT. Sounds like DIIV. This video is so distracting though.Comin at ya with a shoegaze dreamypop slapper for the boys
Dreampop GOAT. Sounds like DIIV. This video is so distracting though.
1) Is that the guy who won't stop saying "what?" in Pulp Fiction? 2) How am I supposed to to pay attention to the music when there's a 21-year-old Jennifer Connelly rolling-skating in a white tank-top?
And now I have to watch this random movie I've never heard of until now. LOL. Thanks, guy.
If you wanna hear some rare contemporary shoegaze that will likely blow your speakers, check this out. It's off a 22-track bootleg, don't remember if it's live or a demo, or even where the hell I found it for that matter, but I've never heard any other distortion/fuzz/lo-fi that sounds quite like it. Starjuicetorch by Astrobrite:
Speaking of the Murphy's--I like them quite a lot but what I like the best is their early stuff--when they were a 4 piece hardcore punk band. Basically they're a rock band now that sometimes plays punk rock music--other times the Celtic stuff shines through more. But anyway I'm a labor union person--that's kind of in my wheelhouse. Streetdogs with the Dropkicks former singer McColgan are more political than they are though. But punk rock music and left wing politics have always kind of gone hand in hand. It's kind of like country music and right wing politics.