A lot of things aren’t popular at this place, don’t make it wrong.
Picking Jessiman was part of a change of culture in NY. He wasn’t alone. We picked 6’6 220 lbs center iceman Bruce Graham 51st overall in 04’. Graham wasn’t a bad player. Did fairly well as a top center in the Q before the redline was removed.
We had not adopted to the trapping era. As a concequence we didn’t make the POs for 7 straight years despite spending more than anyone, and more than twice as much than many.
At the time, teams was desperate for size. Everyone searched for it everywhere. Mainly because it enabled you to just fire pucks out of your end up the boards, or lift them out, and then win the battles around the boards in the neutral zone. But that was also not everything. Injuries was a — huge — concern at this time. Toronto and Ottawa was good, but they played each other and lost half their team during one series in the POs, didn’t matter which team won because they had no personel left for the next series. 3-4 teams took out each other every year in the East in the POs. Darcy Tucker and Mike Peca destroying each other’s knees. Toronto lost 10 or 11 guys one series. If you were 6’5-6’6 230 lbs you could survive getting ran along the boards time after time. If you were 6’1 you didn’t.
Slats took over behind the bench in 2002 in a desperate attempt to get some results. It was obvious that it wasn’t going to work. We brought in Clarke and many others and beefed up the scouting department and started to change course back then already.
In 02’ we drafted 6’4 Lee Faradeau in the 2nd; 6’4 Marcus Jonasen in the 3rd; 6’4 Nate Guenin in the 4th, 6’3 Mike Walsh and 6’4 Jake Taylor in the 5th and big guys all the way almost.
The game changed and the guys that made it from those drafts were mainly 8th round pick 5’10 Prucha from 02’ and 5th round pick Dawes from 03’...
It’s a fact that we started a change of the culture of the franchise in 02-03. It’s well documented. We where by far the biggest mess in he NHL, in pro sports, but we sat down and said that we must build through the draft and do it right. The league is mega destructive, it’s going to take size, size and more size to get something done. We almost exclusively drafted size, size and more size.
The game changed and all those picks, I don’t get why Jessiman is singled out alone, became worthless. Many higher picks, Jessiman, Falardeau, Jonasen, Bruce Graham, Taylor, Walsh and so forth.
Look, if the NHL don’t do a 180’ and change the conditions completely — that strategy — surely eventually would have gotten us back on track. We would have been consistent with it and built a top 5 sized team in the NHL hat could win the neutral zone battles and make the franchise respectable again. Jessiman may or may not have been an OK, bad or horrible pick, we won’t know.
Why is 60 posts made without nobody mentioning this context that is very central to judging the pick?