I work with a guy who, when the news that we had hired Peter MacTavish broke, said something like "Oh man, that's a great hire! What a great move!"
Now... maybe it was a great move. Maybe it wasn't. The thing is, I doubt anyone here can really have an opinion, considering MacTavish is, at best, an unknown quality as an NHL executive. There's no real way to credibly say it's great, or terrible, considering we have no clue and no evidence as to how he will pan out as a hockey guy.
The thing is - the guy at my office who said that was SURE that it was a great move, without even knowing who MacTavish is. He was just like "SENS DID A THING, THEREFORE IT'S GREAT, BECAUSE I'M A SENS FAN AND THAT'S HOW YOU FAN"... there are quite a few fans out there like that. Anything that their team does is great, and anything they don't do is also great that they didn't do it. All the players their team acquires are amazing, and everyone that is traded away are bums.
This guy at my office, he's one of those guys. Every fanbase has those guys. And the people who think that the Karlsson deal was "fair" or "a good deal", or anything other than dogsh**? They are those guys. I'm not so naive to think that my own fanbase doesn't have a large number of those fans. We obviously do, and they are far larger represented in the wild than on the internet.
Fandom that blinds fans from seeing things as they are. Tale as old as time.