It's worth an Athletic subscription for this article alone:
Our goal is to get you to accurately predict a goaltender interference review result maybe 80 or 90 percent of the time.
Here's the part that matters here. Note the highlighted bit:
View attachment 998935
"Skate in the crease" is a standard that hasn't existed since the Stars won the Stanley Cup. If any part of a skater's body is within the crease, the skater is in the crease and is in the wrong. That is the written standard. Palmeri's ass was in the crease. Therefore he is in the crease. There was contact, and he was in the crease. Therefore, no goal.
As for the first one? Contact didn't occur until Lee had already exited the crease, and the contact happened outside of the crease. Therefore, good goal.
It's really not that hard, y'all.