The more you defend WD's performance at this organization, the more you lessen your own credibility.
Which is sad TBH because you have actually made some pretty insightful observations about the toxic nepotistic management culture in the AIG and how it acts like a force field in terms of repelling competent managers from this craphole organization.
Here's some food for thought.
WD was hired into a toxic dichotomized locker room environment composed of very smart hockey players who had grown jaded as eff.
This locker room saw it's peak in 2011 and has been slowly rotting since due to organizational behavioral factors that are outside of the purvey of the public (we don't see the actual factors, we see the results and the results are extremely unhappy employees (assets) that leave this organization for nothing... trade value evaporated).
WD came in as a decent coach with high hopes and then got bent over by ownership (just like Vrbata did) when he found that none of the veteran players were actually listening to him and what he was left with was Brandon Sutter, Derek Dorsett and Linden Vey.
There's no doubt WD was in a very tough position here in Vancouver.
However, WD made a bad situation worse. He stopped becoming a professional and started becoming petty... very very petty.
And Zack Kassian is a direct casualty of his pettiness.
And if you had been actually watching hockey closely at that point of time, you would know this.
Sorry for derailing this thread but telling other people what their problems are with a elephant as big as yours never ends well.