If any of you guys follow @DownGoesBrown on twitter, this is the problem I have with the leafs
Still can’t get my head around the “We always knew we’d be bad” spin coming from the Leafs front office. That’s supposed to be a defense? Down Goes Brown (@DownGoesBrown) https://twitter.com/DownGoesBrown/statuses/451045128913031168"
Dave Nonis has been a senior front office exec in Toronto for six seasons. If they’re still expecting to be bad, that’s *kind of a problem*. Down Goes Brown (@DownGoesBrown) https://twitter.com/DownGoesBrown/statuses/451045189977915392">
Also, to put it in some other life context, a bit of a joke:
Does that work for anyone else in real life? “Honey, I caught you cheating on me.” “Yes, but I always thought I would.” “Oh, OK then, cool.” Down Goes Brown (@DownGoesBrown) "https://twitter.com/DownGoesBrown/statuses/451046136451969024"