Mothra said:
You are the one that made it sound like diving is a tactic invented by Euros....when in fact it has always been there
He basically said that it was a European style of playing, which is ridiculous and of the Don Cherry school of thought.
The Russian team was much better than the US last night, plain and simple. As somebody said in either this or one of the other threads, the US could have kept with them if they tried to play their game. Instead, they took really stupid penalties.
Everyone whining about diving is being a sore loser. There was one weak call last night. The rest was the US team playing sloppily, which is why they lost. Frankly I was surprised that the game was close for that long.
What the Russian players did after the game and in the closing seconds was being a sore winner, but everybody is blowing it waaaay out of proportion. It was an emotional game in a hostile environment, and there were a few cheap shots taken throughout the game by the US team.
It doesn't excuse the showboating and all of that, but the US team were not saints here. There were at least two very dirty hits in the game by the US, and they were talking right at I think it was Radulov (or Lisin, not sure) and that coach/assistant in the end.
But oh well. I just don't think it's that big of a deal. It showed me more than anything that the Russian players really were playing with a lot of emotion and passion, and I liked that. I didn't like the showboating, but like I said, it's just not too big of a deal.
Shirokov's got some skills and an attitude. As long as he isn't taking cheap shots or playing dirty, mark me down as a fan. If the Penguins end up with a top pick in the second round again, I hope they take Shirokov.