Very Nice, Very Evil!
We have not earned the leeway to be passive.And ?
I didn't know we were supposed to have a fire-sale.
The team is in a very difficult spot and risks need to be taken to correct the ship.
We have not earned the leeway to be passive.And ?
I didn't know we were supposed to have a fire-sale.
We have not earned the leeway to be passive.
The team is in a very difficult spot and risks need to be taken to correct the ship.
Maybe you misunderstood me.The thing about risk is it can turn out really shitty or really good.
Source: grammy had a gambling addiction
Maybe you misunderstood me.
We have not put us in a position where we can afford to be risk averse.
We are in a position to take risks.Can you re-word that for my feeble mind? Are you saying we ARE in a position to take risks or ARE NOT?
Because I have strong feelings on that matter.
31 fanbases end their season in disapointment. Thats what it is to be a fan of s sports team. Suffering together.I think that it's really hard to judge this year after so much went right last year in typical canucks fashion it receded to the usual level of canuckland and the division of the "we might be really close" crowd and the "we never were that close we should have done this 2 years ago and then..." crowd.
I don't even care anymore, I just want to enjoy good playoff hockey with no dog in the fight been too disappointed as a mid 50s lifelong Canuck fan.
My Uncle had season tickets from 1970 till he died and at his funeral in the eulogy it was mentioned as one of his life regrets that the Canucks didn't win a SC.
I don't see one in my lifetime either but I also don't need it mentioned at my eulogy.