Not going to lie. I got stuck on a fast attack submarine. That means one boat... one crew.
The boomers on the other hand... one boat, two crews. Those boats are always at sea on deployment so one crew goes out for six months, comes home and the other crew goes out on the boat for six months. Anyways, if you are a sailor stationed to a submarine that is at sea and you are on land... there's just not a hell of a lot to do. It would not be uncommon for LPO's to go to McDonalds... grab the both right next to the drive through window and check their crew off on the morning muster as they drove through getting a morning cup of coffee. That was it. They had to check in and some departments made it as easy as hell.
Also heard that it was easier for two guys to keep the same woman happy or some such. There was always chatter about the blue crew keeping the gold crew's wife company and vice versa.