Well the math says something is OFF, so maybe its the weather then. The chances of a Canadian team not winning for 30 years straight, all things being equal (if they are), is approximately 0.1%. And getting lower every year. (Actually lower than that even, as that is based on 32 teams).
Taxes play a part, and most importantly, you don't blame Bettman with some hidden agenda. You blame the players themselves. The biggest and most detrimental thing to the Canadian market is losing superstars cuz the refuse to play here. I guarantee that's what's skewed the stats. It's also hilarious that "fans" blame Bettman, yet it's the Canadian "fans" who are doing the most damage forcing players away
I'm a Flyers fan also. Want to know how many times their fans have call league bias against them? I like to goto other teams boards during big games. Ask a California or Florida fan if they think Bettman is instructing refs to win them games? They say the opposite. I've seen many Floridians accuse the league over the years during some of their collapses over the years. Hell, just last year Bos fans were saying the same thing.
This is not a novel concept.
Players, fans, weather and lack of sports teams hurt the Canadian market. Not Bettman and some hidden agenda