ViktorAllvin twitter
Oil_slick9416 said:it was in, it hit the goal cam inside the net.
No, the ref made a faulty decision!
Oil_slick9416 said:it was in, it hit the goal cam inside the net.
Vikke said:No, the ref made a faulty decision!
Oil_slick9416 said:and you wonder why i said what i said????
they have an emoticon for that " "Vikke said:Well, it's spelled S A R C A S M.
Peter25 said:Russian hockey federation should make it very clear that Hannu Henriksson is never, ever allowed to judge Russia´s games again. He was the main reason Canada "won" this game. For example he ripped Russia from a penalty shot when Regehr closed the puck under his glove in the goal crease. A penalty to Afinogenov in the first period was a total joke too.
Oil_slick9416 said:see...
i'll admit we are doing it on the ugly side but the trend with canadian teams is we get stronger as the tourney progresses - looked pretty dominating to me in the first half of the game - then marty held strong - the ref can't actually shoot the puckJetLi said:Canada wasn`t worth a place in the final and all this thanks to Henke!
allt those who saw tha game could say else or otherwise they are sick....
mr gib said:i'll admit we are doing it on the ugly side but the trend with canadian teams is we get stronger as the tourney progresses -
Vikke said:Heh, the Swedish announcers said "maybe Henriksson wants to work in the final, too".
Peter25 said:What did he mean?
Peter25 said:Right now I´m just so angry at Henriksson. It makes me ashamed to be a Finn that my "countryman" was so biased in this game.
Peter25 said:Right now I´m just so angry at Henriksson. It makes me ashamed to be a Finn that my "countryman" was so biased in this game.
i guess there's no response to thatPeter25 said:It´s easy to "get stronger" when you have a ref on your side.
Oil_slick9416 said:oh its not a generalization. every single european i've had contact with on this board is blamming the ref after they loose.
anyways, goodbye sweden have fun in the bronze medal game
good observation ... i could tell from his first post he was trolling ...Jussi said:Interesting, over here Peter25 claimes he didn't see the game yet still claimes that Henriksson is biased. Yet at the boards he's claming that he saw the game and complains about Henriksson's bias.
Finn said:and by the way Russia is considered to be in asia not europe
Finn said:after every Canada game there's always a flame war at the end. coincidence?
Oil_slick9416 said:alot of swedes were whinning......................................