Alright, I can’t remember what I’ve read in the past year, so I’m just going to make a list of what’s on my ‘books I love/am currently reading’ shelf and a half:
Martin Amis- London Fields
Martin Amis- The Information
Raymond Chandler- The Big Sleep
Raymond Chandler- Farewell, My Lovely
Raymond Chandler- The High Window
Raymond Chandler- The Lady in the Lake
Raymond Chandler- The Little Sister
Raymond Chandler- The Long Goodbye
Raymond Chandler- Playback
Cervantes- Don Quixote
Joseph Conrad- Heart of Darkness and other selected stories
Dante- The Divine Comedy
Elaine Dundy- The Dud Avocado
Elaine Dundy- The Old Man And Me
Jeffery Eugenides- The Virgin Suicides
William Faulkner- The Sound and the Fury
William Faulkner- Sanctuary
Joseph Heller- Catch 22
Joseph Heller- God Knows
Joseph Heller- Picture This
Joseph Heller- Something Happened
Ernest Hemingway- The Garden of Eden
Ernest Hemingway- Islands in the Sun
Ernest Hemingway- A Farewell To Arms
Ernest Hemingway- For Whom The Bell Tolls
J.K. Huysmans- Against Nature
B.S. Johnson- Christie Malry’s Own Double-Entry
James Joyce- Ulysses
Fran’s Kafka- The Trial
Malcom Lowry- Under the Volcano
Cormac McCarthy- All the Pretty Horses
Cormac McCarthy- Blood Meridian
Cormac McCarthy- No Country for Old Men
Cormac McCarthy- Outer Dark
Cormac McCarthy- Suttree
Ian McGuire- The North Water
Henry Miller- Tropic of Cancer
Alberto Moravia- The Conformist
Alberto Moravia- Contempt
Vladimir Nabokov- Ada or Ardor
Vladimir Nabokov- Despair
Vladimir Nabokov- The Eye
Vladimir Nabokov- The Gift
Vladimir Nabokov- Glory
Vladimir Nabokov- Invitation to a Beheading
Vladimir Nabokov- Pale Fire
Vladimir Nabokov- Complete Short Stories Collection
Vladimir Nabokov- Laughter in the Dark
Flan O’Brien- At Swim, Two Birds
Philip Roth- Sabbath’s Theatre
Kurt Vonnegut- Slaughter House Five
David Foster Wallace- Infinite Jest
There’s more, and I was gonna write a little description for the ones I found the most enjoyable/interesting, but I already don’t want to type more. For the direct future I’m going to try to finish reading all of Nabokov and Heller’s novels on top of one-off books on my ‘To Read’ list
An excellent list. A lot of really good writers there. Just going down your list of what I've read and keep in mind I'm 61 and have been at this a long long time:
I've read Martin Amis--but not the ones you have. I have Times Arrow, Night Train and House of Meetings.
Chandler--The big sleep and Farewell my lovely.
Cervantes--Don Quixote, Exemplary stories, The vigilant sentinel (a play).
Conrad's--Heart of Darkness plus several others of his.
All of Dante's--Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso.
Quite a lot of Faulkner including Sound and the Fury and Sanctuary. If you like Faulkner--Dos Passos might be a good writer for you to check out though. As I lay dying is my favorite Faulkner. Go down Moses, The unvanquished, The Reivers.
Heller--Catch 22, Something Happened, Good as Gold and God Knows.
Hemingway--The sun also rises, The snows of Kilimanjaro, The old man and the sea, The Fifth column, For whom the bell tolls, A farewell to arms and To have and have not.
Huysmanns--Against Nature.
B. S. Johnson--Albert Angelo, House Mother Normal (which I didn't like), Christie Malry's own double entry (his best book) and The Unfortunates which was written with the idea of reading chapters in whatever order the reader decides to.
Joyce--Ulysses, Dubliners, A portrait of the artist as a young man, Finnegan's wake (I had a terrible time with that one and would not recommend), Exiles (a play), Collected poems.
Kafka--Amerika, The Castle, The Trial, Metamorphosis
Lowry's--Under the Volcano
McCarthy--All the pretty horses, Blood Meridian, The Gardener's Son, Suttree, The Crossing, Cities of the Plain, No country for old men, The Road (my least favorite), Outer Dark, Child of God, The orchard keeper.
Miller--Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Under the roofs of Paris, The books in my life, The time of the assassins, Moloch or the Gentile World, Quiet days in Clichy.
Moravia-The lie.
Nabokov--King Queen Knave, Despair, Lolita, Laughter in the dark, Mary, Glory, Bend Sinister, Pnin, Pale Fire, The real life of Sebastian Knight, Speak Memory.
O'Brien--Stories and Plays, The poor mouth, The third Policeman, Dalkey Achives, At swim-two-birds, The hard life.
Philip Roth--The professor of desire, Portnoy's complaint, Sabbath's Theater, The ghost writer, Zuckerman unbound, American Pastoral, The human stain, The counterlife, My life as a man, Operation shylock, Indignation, Everyman, I married a communist, The great American novel, Deception, The Plot against America.
Vonnegut--Slaughterhouse five, Cat's cradle, Jailbird, Slapstick, Hocus Pocus.
Wallace--Infinite Jest, Oblivion, The girl with curious hair and the Broom of the System.
Your list hit a lot of bases for me.